Craig and Zachary…

A magical story I would like to share….I will give you a little
background first….
 In March, 2010…it was just three weeks after Zachary had passed, a friend of mine emailed me and said “Necole, my cousin just got diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, he is twenty-six years old, could you please help him? Could you do Reiki on him?” I volunteer my time doing Reiki on cancer patients. After I read her email…I got up from my computer and thought…How can I help someone else right now? I am broken.

To this day…I am still not sure what happened, but I then turned around, went back to my computer to reply and said “Yes, I will do it.” I just knew I was supposed to do this…and I am forever grateful that I did. I am so honored that I got the opportunity to meet Craig both in the
physical realm and also the spiritual. Craig has the most amazing energy, both here and there! During my visits with Craig we had the most amazing conversations. We talked about music, his parents, me being a mom, all different things about life….and crossing over.  One day he said “Necole, what do you think it’s like when you pass? Do you think it’s like just falling asleep?”  I replied to him, with probably a little too much enthusiasm, and said “NOOO, Of course not! It’s a beautiful, vibrant place! It’s like….Avatar!”  Craig just looked at me, half smiling and said “Are you sure?” I said “Yes! I have to believe that! And from my experience with connecting…no one has ever come through saying…This place sucks! It’s dark and ungly!” He laughed at me and said “I love talking to you. You are so out of the box!” I suppose that I am! :)))

I saw Craig a few more times after that. Craig was someone who lived each and every day to the fullest. One of the last times I saw Craig he said to me “Necole, will you please do me a favor?” I said “Of course! What do you need?” He said “Necole, can you promise you will listen to me after I pass and can you promise you will talk to my mom for me…like give her my messages because I don’t think my mom believes in anything and I want her to know I am alright?” I told Craig (and I sincerely promise this until the day I crossover) “Yes…of course I will…but you need to promise me something. Will you take care of my baby and give him a kiss for me?” He then said “I promise…from one Avatar to another.”

Craig then went on a summer trip through Greece and several other spots. Even though he was sick, that never held him back.  He posted pictures on Facebook and he had an amazing time. Sadly, shortly after Craig returned home, his condition worsened. On December 6, 2010, one of the most amazing people I was ever privileged to meet crossed over.  I will forever be grateful to Craig and the very short amount of time we spent together …. One Avatar to another….

A few weeks ago, I did do a reading for Craig’s mom and she and I also have since become friends….

Now that I have tears rolling down my cheeks for so many reasons…I will continue with what happened this weekend….

It started Friday somewhat around noon time.  I had Craig’s mom over for a little while and we sat and just chatted…mom to mom, friend to friend.  This was the first time she had been over …as a friend (not for reading).  It was a lovely visit and I truly enjoyed it.

Starting Friday night I started having a rough night.  I was missing Zachary terribly and there were a lot of issues that were going on with Zach Fund that started making me second guess myself and the moving forward with building a stadium.  I starting wondering if I was insane thinking I could do this. This followed into Saturday and I had a difficult day. I had to teach a Reiki class and got through that fine, but once everyone left, I couldn’t stop crying. My friend (and Zach Fund board member) Kim texted me and asked me a few questions. She knew something was wrong. I was crying and just told her I wasn’t sure if I could do this…build a stadium. I told her I was a fool for thinking that I could, that I was completely exhausted and just wasn’t sure anymore. Kim
reminded me that this was Zachary’s dream and that I could do this.  I continued to cry and still wanted to throw in the towel and just donate all of the money we made to a charity. In sixteen months, this is the first time I felt like this and felt selfish for even feeling it. I finally decided to go to bed.

Sunday morning I woke early. Everyone was still sleeping and I made my coffee and went on the deck to drink it. I stared at the flowers blooming, looking at all of the vibrant colors, and missed Zachary even more than the night before. I sat there with the hot sun shining on me and the tears kept rolling down my cheeks.  After about an hour, I decided it was time to take a shower. I went upstairs and was about to get into the shower when I felt Craig around me. He was telling me things that were for his mom….or so I thought…..
Craig was telling me it would be ok and we are always around. He said Don’t cry, it’s going to be ok. He said several more things and was very comforting. I knew I had to get in touch with his mom. So I rushed out of the shower and texted her. (This was the first time I had even texted her.) At 10:44am I asked her…. “How are you? Are you ok? Well not ok…but you know…”  She
didn’t answer me back.  In the mean time, my friend Kim texted me “Call me! Call me as soon as you can! I have to tell you something!” I finished up, went into the car and then called her. I said “What’s up? Everything ok?”  She said “Yes!!! I have to tell you what happened to me!  I can’t even believe this!  My husband even saw this!”   I go, “Tell me! What is going on?”

This is what had happened to her….

Kim: So I was texting my friend a little bit ago and then I got the strangest text…TWICE!  Okay are you ready?  I am going to try to explain this and I will show you tomorrow!

The sender
was … AAAZZA22227 (za=zachary, 222=my numbers!, 27=Zachary’s football number)The message was this….”Ok.  Sounds good. I
miss you too.”

Kim has no idea how this happened! I was crying again, but happy tears. I asked her what time she received this text. Kim said 1047am. I couldn’t believe it.

I know this may sound crazy to some but not to me. I know what was going on….Craig was actually telling me that it would be ok. I just figured it was for his mom. I feel like Craig and Zachary were working together on this one. I was so excited about this. Craig was watching my baby and helping Zachary and me from the other side!

It gives me such comfort knowing Craig is watching over Zachary. Both Craig and Zachary are amazing old souls in every sense of the word.

It also made me think of something both Craig and Zachary had in common … they never gave up on things. They tried their hardest and always did the best they could. There was no stopping them! I thought about how discouraged I had become over the past few days about building Zach’s Stadium. One thing I can say with certainty is Zachary would never give up on me….and I will never give up on him. So I will continue to fight with all my might, continue to sleep a little less if needed and I WILL do this for my son. I know I don’t have to…but I choose to. Thank you Craig and Thank you Zachary for reminding me of what we are all capable of. I love both of you and please continue to take care of each other.

Angel Kisses,


About Necole Stephens

Nationally recognized New England Spirit Medium, Necole Stephens has dedicated her life to the helping and healing of others. Necole travels across the country hosting her “Angel Kisses” Group Readings and Inspirational Speaking engagements. During Necole's intimate gatherings, she integrates the journey of grief and hope. Necole addresses the process of grieving and how we may soothe grief with evidence of Life ever-after. Along with delivering loving messages from your love ones in Spirit. Necole offers private sessions and is currently working on her first book. Necole continues to inspire others daily through her Facebook Fan Page which she refers to as her “therapy”. Along with being a Medium, Necole is also a bereaved parent. Her son Zachary passed away unexpectedly, in his sleep on March 8, 2010. It was later discovered that he had a genetic mutation with no signs or symptoms called Long QT, also known as the “Silent Killer”. Zachary was an avid sports player and had a dream of having owning his stadium one day. In her son's honor, Necole founded Zachary M. Tompkins Memorial Fund to fulfill her son's dream. View all posts by Necole Stephens

9 responses to “Craig and Zachary…

  • Tiffany rose

    This is my favorite blog so far. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing!! Xoxo

  • Gail Dion

    Necole…I don’t know what to say. I remember the day you came to our home to do Reiki on Craig. I was amazed at your ability to come over and help a perfect stranger so soon after losing your own son. I remember giving you a hug and thinking (selfishly) to myself that I was going to be in your position soon and I am not sure I will even be able to function, never mind engage in random acts of kindness. But you did it and you and Craig formed a bond that will continue to grow forever. I am so grateful that you came into our lives. I know you were a source of clarity and strength for Craig and have continued to be one for me. Craig was right, at the time of his diagnosis I didn’t believe in much any more…..but I do now and I can’t thank you enough,….and Craig, I am so proud of you! It is comforting to know that you are helping us all. 🙂

    • Necole Stephens

      I remember when you walked over to me and hugged me. I remember thinking…Oh noooo she’s going to be me one day…and the two of us stood there crying…Until of course, Craig said “Ok mom, you can go now!” and we all laughed. Please always know…you and Craig are helping me just the same 🙂 Sending you Big Hugs! xoxoxo

  • Carol Meharg

    Wow… this is such a touching story.. Thanks for sharing.. oxox

  • Christa Lamb

    Amazing Necole! Thank you, without you knowing it inspires me. This weekend has been a bit of a roller coaster ride for me as well in terms of self doubt. I’ve been feeling kind of alone on this journey lately. Some times I feel like its going to take a miracle to pull off what I know in my heart I’m meant to do, and this blog post is a friendly reminder that miracles do happen and love is the driving force of these miracles. Thank you my friend. Keep sharing because we all need to hear it. Many blessings for you to come.

  • Kim

    Beautiful my friend.:) Thank you!

  • Michele

    Love it Necole.

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